1.The analysis of the first shipment is not_____certified by China Commodity Inspection Bureau. 
A. satisfy     B. satisfied      C. satisfactory      D. satisfaction 
2.We regret the need for you to write to us and hope the steps we are taking_____the safe arrival of all your orders in future. 
A. ensure     B. assure        C. insure           D. sure 
3.We are _____ receipt of your enquiry dated 9th May. 
A. on        B. in            C. for              D. being 
4.If you will send us a catalogue by air, we shall_____very much.
A. be indebted     B. be grateful      C. thank       D. appreciate it 
5. We appreciate your order, _____we very much regret that we are unable to accept any  fresh orders at present owing to heavy commitments. 
A. and       B. but            C. or              D. nor 
6.If you are able to _____ your price by 3%,we could probably come into business. 
A. deduct     B. increase        C. reduce          D. offer 
7.Should your L/C_____us at the beginning of May, we shall be able to ship your order. 
A. arrive      B. reach          C. come            D. get 
8.In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that an L/C has been opened amounting _____
A. at          B. to            C. up              D. for 
9.Your delay in shipment will _____us in great difficulty. 
A. cause       B. lead           C. conclude        D. involve 
10.Regarding insurance, the coverage is for 110% of invoice _____up to the port of destination.
A. worth        B. price         C. value           D. cost 
11.The _____has been shipped on S.S. “Tiantaishan” for transshipment at Hongkong per S.S. “Flying Cloud”. 
A. produce      B. product       C. cargo           D. manufacture 
12.The direct steamer sailing _____your port calls at our port only around the end of the month.
A. under        B. on            C. with           D. for 
13.Your quotation of bicycles is _____high to be acceptable. 
A. too          B. so            C. such           D. as 
14.It is beyond question _____we can get the necessary import license from our authorities. 
A. which        B. that           C. when          D. where 
15.We shall be glad if you will agree to ship the goods to us _____before on Cash Against Documents Basis. 
A. for           B. because       C. since           D. as 
16.As this item falls _____the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you at an early date. 
A. with          B. without        C. within         D. in with 
17.We have quoted our most favorable price, so we are unable to _____ any counter-offer.. 
A. offer          B. supply         C. like           D. entertain 
18.Such a growing demand can only result_____ increased price. 
A. in            B. from           C. to             D. for 
19.Please_____your utmost to expedite shipment, so that we may execute the order smoothly . 
A. do            B. get            C. take            D. make 
20.Please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the_____possible delay. 
A. most          B. least           C. latest           D. worst  
21. For goods concluded on FOB basis, freight for shipment from Shanghai to Hong –

kong is to be ________ to buyer’s account. 
A. borne          B. paid            C. changed         D. charged

22. We wish to call your attention ________ the L/C covering your order No.185 has not reached us. 
A. to the fact that    B. to that          C. to              D. that 

23. We have received your enquiry of 15 October ________ you show great interest in our electric heaters. 
A. which           B. at which            C. in which          D. from which 24. You can file a claim with the insurance company in your area, who will ______ the loss incurred.       
A. compensate     B. compensate for   C. compensate to you  D. compensate you 

25. ________ will be highly appreciated if you will send us a brochure. 
A. We            B. You             C. It               D. Which 

26. Please effect shipment immediately as L/C will ________ on July 31.
A. valid           B. firm             C. due             D. expire 

27. Your order No. 123 was confirmed by our fax of September 15 subject to ________ of your credit within 15 days from the date. 
A. arrival          B. reaching          C. arrive           D. reach

28. We are now ________ your inquiry of October 12. 
A. on receipt        B. on receipt of      C. in receipt         D. in receipt of 

29. Our new low cost solutions may be ________ particular interest to you. 
A. in             B. of              C. with              D. for 

30. We will establish a letter of credit_____ sight. 
A. with           B. of              C. at                D. in 

31. Please ________ the shipment date of your L/C to October 15 and validity to October 30. 
A. amend          B. extend           C. establish           D. expand 

32. We look forward to ________ the goods in fourth quarter. 
A. the delivery of    B. your delivery      C. deliver            D. delivery 

33. Should your price ________ reasonable, we will place an order with you ______  the item. 
A. is...for          B. is...from           C. be...for           D. be...with 

34. ________, we are airmailing you our latest quotation sheet for your consideration. A. As request     B. At your request      C. At requested    D. As you requested 

35. We are sorry for the trouble the printer has caused you, but we are confident that it can be fixed ________ your complete satisfaction.
A. to           B. with           C. in          D. for 

36. We hope the goods you ordered will arrive at the port of destination ________. 
A. in perfect condition               B. in perfect conditions 
C. in a good condition                D. in the good condition 

37. We lodge a claim ______ you ______ the short-weight. 
A. with...on      B. for...for          C. with...for         D. for...with 

38. Please insure ________ WPA ________ 110% of the invoice value. 
A. with...for      B. against...at       C. for...for           D. against...for 

39. 90 percent of the credit amount must be paid ____ the presentation of documents. 
A. at           B. by               C. when            D. against 

40. ________ you don’t reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere. 
A. Before       B. If                C. Unless           D. When  

41. We __________ your quoting us your competitive prices on a CIF basis for the following.
A. appreciate    B. are appreciated     C. appreciate it     D. will be appreciated

42. Under the __________, it is impossible to decline our price again.
A. circumstances    B. circumstance     C. case          D. cases

43. Please see to __________ that goods should be delivered in 3 equal lots.
us          B it             C the L/C       D them

44. We regret having to remind you that 20% of the freight is still __________.
A. owned         B. owning          C. standing        D. outstanding

45. Marketing is __________, we have received a crowd of enquires from our customers.
A. declining       B. advancing        C. weak          D. going

46. Through our joint efforts, we have successfully concluded a __________ with your company.
A. business        B. order            C. trade          D. deal

47. The __________ creates a power of acceptance, permitting the offer by accepting the offer to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual obligation.
A. free offer      B. firm offer         C. non-firm offer      D. offeree

48. Our __________ catalogue and price list are sent together with the letter for your reference.
A. illustrated      B. illustrating        C. be illustrated       D. that illustrated

49. The stipulations in the relevant L/C should strictly __________ the terms set force in our Sales Confirmation.              
A. in conformity with                   B. in accordance with
C. conform to                         D. conform with

10. We have _____ some businesses two years ago, but we haven’t received any orders from you since then..
A. done         B. suited            C. conducted         D. regarded

51. The sugar was dispatched two weeks ago and __________ you by now.
A. should have reached    B. should reach    C. have reached    D. reach

52. We hope to reply _______ fax if we find the quotation acceptable.  
A. on            B. with a               C. by             D. with 

53. The seller found some discrepancies in the L/C and asked for amendment __________ the L/C.
A. at            B. by                C. to             D. with

54. We agree to insure the shipment for 120% of the invoice value, but the extra __________ charged will be for your account.
A. insurance value                      B. premium
C. money insured                       D. discount

55. Owing to the delay of your L/C, the responsibility for any losses will wholly rest ______ you.
A. with          B. to            C. for            D. as

56. If you fail to clear your account within 10 days, you will leave us no alternative _____ to take legal action.
A. not           B. as            C. but            D. so

57. The goods _____ you enquired fall within the scope of our business activities.
A. which         B. for which       C. that          D. for that

58. We trust that Article No.EM19 will __________ you.
A. glad         B. deliver           C. assure           D. satisfy

59. Your failure to __________ our invoice within the stipulated time limit will cause us much inconvenience.
A. draw        B. withdraw          C. honor           D. dishonor

60. After making shipment, the seller should give promptly the __________ to the buyer.
A. shipping instruction                B. shipping advice
C. shipping order                     D. shipping guide 
61 . We are not in a position to supply you, as the goods are _______.   
A. without stock                       B. outside in stock 
C. out of stock                         D. no stock 

62.We highly appreciate _______.   
A. your kind cooperation                 B. you cooperation 
C. that you cooperate                    D. it your kind cooperating 

63.We shall book _______ on the first _______steamer.   
A. shipment space … ready               B. shipping space …available  
C. shipping space … unavailable            D. shipment …available 

64.Ms.Smith wrote us last week that our price was _______ and asked us to secure the delivery.

A. acceptable          B. managerial      C. impossible        D. unfortunate  

65.The offer _______ goods being unsold.   
A. remains good        B. are valid        C. is subject to         D. subject to 

66. _______ is a very favorable payment term for the exporter.   
A. Cash with order                       B. Cash on delivery 
C. Cash against documents                 D. Payment in advance 

67._______ you can reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere.    
A. Before            B. After            C. Seeing that          D. Unless 

68.But for their assistance, our corporation would not have made such a great progress _______.  
A. soon than what had expect              B. soon than what was expected 
C. sooner than what was                  D. sooner than what had been expected 

69.Please inform your bank to amend the L/C.  We look forward to _______as soon as possible.  
A. receive it                                   B. receiving     

C. receive the amendment                     D. receiving the amendment  

70.We prefer your quotation _______CIF New York basis.  
A. for              B. with               C. on             D. at 

71.We are unable to _______ with your request in your letter of Jan. 31, 2002. 
A. compose        B. confirm            C. conform       D. comply 

72.As agreed upon in our negotiations, payment _______ L/C.  
A. is make by       B. is to be made by      C. will be        D. is by 

73.We have arranged with the Bank of Japan, Tokyo, to _______ a credit in your favor to be available until September 30.  
A. draw           B. establish             C. make         D. quote 

74.The letter of credit should be______ as some items in it does not agree with with the sales contract.
A. amended        B. confirmed            C. committed     D. completed 

75.Please _______ your L/C validity till June 2, 2006. 
A. extent             B. extend               C. expand           D. effect extension for

76.A container holds 240 bicycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 50 containers, _______ 8 tons.  
A. and each weighing                   B. each to weigh
C. each weighing                       D. each weighs 
77.Our advice of dispatch was faxed to you three days ago and you _______ it by now.
A. will receive                          B. must have received
C. received                             D. have been received 

78.As usual we are going to insure _______ for 110% of the invoice value.  
A. order         B. All Risks and War Risk   C. you           D. shipment

79. We have lodged a claim _______ ABC Co. _______ the quality of the goods shipped _______ m. v. “Peace”.   
A. against…for…by                         B. with…for…under
C. on…against… as per                      D. to…for…per

80. The goods under Contract NO. 3617 left here _______.  
A. in a good condition                       B. in good conditions
C. in good condition                         D. in the good condition 
81.If you are interested, we will be pleased to send you a sample ___________ charge.
A. with               B. without            C. free             D. free of
82.We shall appreciate ___________ us CIF Melbourne.
A. you quote          B. you to quote        C. your quoting     D. to you quoting
83.Please be assured that your future orders will be satisfactorily ___________. 
A. exercised           B. made             C. done             D. executed
84.If you are prepared to increase your ___________ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. 
A. price                  B. discount            C. sales volume      D. cost
85.Our illustrated catalogue ___________ shows various types of bathroom fittings and their available sizes.
A. enclosed             B. that enclosed     C. is enclosed      D. which enclosed
86.As soon as we have ___________ your catalogue, we shall contact you by fax. 
A. studied              B. inspected        C. examined        D. researched
87.We are pleased to ___________ your offer and place a trial order with you.
A. make advantage of                      B. make use of
C. take advantage of                       D. take use of
88.As you failed to make delivery in time, we have no choice ___________ our order with you. 
A. but to cancel                            B. but cancel
C. but canceling                            D. but cancelled
89.As our factory is now fully occupied with orders, we regret having to ___________ yours. 
A. refuse             B. decline             C. reject               D. return
90.We also wish to advise you that the prices we quoted are our ___________ prices.
A. new              B. cheap              C. rock bottom          D. easiest
91.We thank you for attending ___________ our request so promptly.
A. with              B. upon               C. to                   D. at
92.The time of waiting for payment agreed upon by both sides is the period of ___________.   
A. shipment          B. letter of credit        C. draft                D. credit

93.We have been happy to ___________ your credit based on your promise to pay according to our terms.

A. expand        B. prolong             C. extend            D. lengthen

94.___________ the terms of payment as stipulated in the contract, please establish an irrevocable letter of credit in our favor.

A. In fact                               B. As a matter of fact

C. In contrast with                        D. In accordance with

95.When submitting our quotation, we suggested that the relevant L/C ___________as early as possible.

A. be established                          B. establishes

C. is established                           D. would be established

96.___________ the unforeseen difficulties on the part of the suppliers, we regret being unable to ship the goods within the time limit of your L/C.

A. Owing to       B. As           C. Because         D. Since

97.Your order will be delivered on October 15 ___________ you requested.

A. like            B. since         C. as              D. when

98.The insurance shall be ___________ from the time of the engineer’s departure from China up to the time of his arrival in China on return.

A. effective        B. effecting       C. effect           D. effected

99.Enclosed are sample parts ___________ some of the problem we encountered.

A. show you       B. showing        C. will show        D. shown

100.Unles  s otherwise ___________, we wish to take out an All Risks insurance policy for you ___________the shipment.

A. instructed...in                       B. instructions...for

C. instructed...for                       D. instruction...on

101.Please do your best to expedite the covering L/C __________ we may fulfill the contract smoothly.
A. so that            B. so as to         C. so as            D. as
102.Packing charges __________ in the price, and we can effect shipment whenever you wish.
A. include          B. are included       C. is included       D. included
103.We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the __________ quantity.
A. desire            B. desires            C. desiring         D. desired
104.We give you on the attached sheet full details covering packing and marking, which must be strictly __________.
A. seen              B. abide by           C. observed        D. submitted
105.We are sorry for the short delivery by 20 tons. This __________ you some trouble in meeting orders of your clients.
A. must cause                             B. must have caused

C. has caused                             D. will be caused

106.Please check the enclosed letter of credit to ensure that it __________ your instructions.
A. agrees        B. agrees to           C. agrees upon         D. agrees with
107. Generally speaking, a growing demand can __________increased prices.
A. result         B. result from         C. result for            D. result in
108.We are enclosing a list __________ our business activities.

A. showing       B. shown             C. shows             D. showed
109.__________ the goods, we discovered that they were overall inferior in quality to the sample.
A. On examination                     B. After examination     

C. Examination of                      D. Upon examining
110.The commodities you offered are _____line with the business scope of our customers.
A. out           B. without             C. out of           D. outside
111.The discount of 3% agreed upon was granted only _____ no balance was outstanding from previous accounts.
A. depends on                          B. condition that
C. on condition                         D. on condition that
112.If you cannot make reduction in your price, we will regretfully ______ your offer..
A. accept         B. receive           C. decline          D.have

113.In our letter of May 10, we make ______ clear that shipment be effected in June.
A. you              B. them             C. us                  D. it
114. The case was crushed. It looks __________the case was not strong enough to stand voyage.
A. as if           B. like              C. likely            D. possible
115.We assure you ______the goods can be supplied from stock ______you order early.
A. that … whether                      B.that … if
C. if … that                            D. whether … if

116.We have the goods you required in stock and will deliver as soon as we _____ your order.

A. receive        B. received           C. receiving        D. will receive

117.An agreement is __________as a result of the process of offer and acceptance.

A. included       B. had               C. resulted         D. reached

118.No discount will be granted __________you could place an order of more than 10000 dozen.

A. until           B. unless             C. otherwise       D. except

119.__________a limited supply is available at present we would ask you to act quickly.

A. As             B. Being             C. Because of       D. Owing to

120.As agreed upon in our negotiation, payment __________ L/C.

A. is made with       B. will be       C. is to be made by    D. is by

121.We regret we cannot _____ you in this respect.

A. accommodate       B. accumulate      C. populate           D. appreciate
122. ______ Contract No.123, we are agreeable to D/P payment terms.

A. With regard for                         B. With regards for 
C. With regard to                          D. With regards to
123. We ________ your shipping advice by cable.
A. wait               B. wait to           C. await              D. await for
124. Risks other than All Risks and War Risk can be ________ if the extra premium should be borne by the buyer.
A. covered            B. recovered          C. uncovered         D. discovered
125. We have pleasure in informing you that we have completed the above shipment _____ the stipulations set forth in the L/C.
A. in and with                             B. in accordance with
C. in connection with                       D. in terms with
126. We will do our best to _______ shipment to meet your requirements in time.
A. expect        B. expedite         C. exercise         D. examine
127. Because there is no direct steamer from here to your Port, we suggest that you ______trans-shipment at Hong Kong.
A. may accept         B. can accept       C. must accept        D. accept
128. We are looking forward _____ receiving your enquiries soon.
A. for         B. of        C. by        D. to
129. We are establishing the relative L/C with the Bank of China, Shanghai and shall let you know by cable _______ it is opened.
A. until       B. before      C. unless     D. as soon as
130. We very much regret to state that our end-users here find your price too high and ______line ________ the prevailing market level.
A. in, for            B. out of, with         C. at, through         D. for, by
131.We note from your letter of November 11 that the price offered by us ________ the subject article is found to be high.
A. on          B. at         C. to          D. for
132. We wonder whether you could use Type A ______ Type B.
A. because of        B. in spite of         C. instead of         D. replace of
133. We wish to _____ your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching.
A. pay            B. draw           C. push           D. put
134.Please see ______ the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the Contract.
A. to it            B. to that          C. to it that       D. to it which
135.As your prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties ____ , we hope you will let us have your telegraphic shipping advice without further delay.
A. concern        B. concerning       C. to concern     D. concerned
136. After inspection of the above shipment we found 6 cases ______.
A. loss           B. losing            C. missed         D. missing

137. ____ we would like to close the business with you we find your bid unacceptable.

A. As much      B. Much as         C. Like much    D. Much like

138. It is our foreign _____ policy to trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

A. business       B. market          C. trade        D. deal

139.Our corporation handles exclusively the import and export business of light industrial


A. products       B. goods           C. produce      D. cargo

140. We are in possession of your letter of the 11th July ______ which we note that you have established the L/C in our favour.

A. of            B. through          C. by           D. from

141. One of our clients in Malaysia is _____ the market for walnut meat.
A. at            B. of               C. in            D. for

142. we will make contact with the endusers here and see if they are interested in the goods _____.
A. offer         B. offering          C. offered        D. to offer

143. It is after examination _____ we find the goods of high standard and are satisfied with the quality of the shipment.
A. what          B. which           C. as            D. that
144. Please keep us posted of the developments in your market
_____ we can adjust our quotations to the extent you indicate.
A. so that         B. such that        C. as long as       D. so long as

145. We have the pleasure in _____ your letter of Nov. 11 in which you inform us that you are satisfied with our men's shirts shipped per S.teamer Ship. “East Wind”.

A. admitting       B. acknowledging    C. accepting      D. adjusting
146. We wish to call your attention to the _____ in the L/C
since there is no possibility of L/C extension.
A. variety         B. validity        C. possibility          D. probability
147. We can _____ men's shirts in stock.
A. suppose        B. supply         C. suggest            D. support
148. Please advise us _____ your iron nails are packed in plywood kegs of 60kg net and _____ you can ship our order in a week.
A. whether…whether                 B. what…what
C. when…when                     D. where…where
149. We would advise you to get _____ touch _____ them for your requirements.
A. for…with                        B. in…from
C. for…from                        D. in…with
150. We have pleasure in offering you the goods _____ in our cable of today's date.
A. inquired for                       B. inquired of
C. inquiring for                       D. inquiring of
151. Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C _____ in exact accordance with the terms of the Sales Contract.
A. are        B. is         C. will be          D.be
152. _____ the terms of payment as stipulated in the contract
please establish an irrevocable letter of credit in our favor.
A. In fact                                B. As a matter of fact
C. In contrast with                         D. In accordance with
153. We regret the need for you to write to us and hope the steps we are taking _____ the safe arrival of all your orders in the future.
A. insure       B. assure        C. ensure          D. sure
154. If you can make us a firm offer at a _____ price
we will place an order with your corporation.
A. competitive   B. comparative   C. subjective       D. objective
155. We desire to establish _____ beneficial business relations.
A. mutual       B. mutually      C. equal           D. equally
156. Please let us have your lowest quotation on CIF Lagos basis _____ 500 pieces of 24—inch black-and-white TV sets.

A. in           B. at            C. for             D. on
157. We are unable to_____ with your request in your letter dated Jan.
31 2002.
A. conform      B. compose      C. confirm         D. comply
158. This practical order does not _____the agreement we have signed last week.
A. conform with                  B.conform to
C.agree to                       D.like
159. If you can see your way clear to reduce your price by, say, 3%, we are ready to place with you an order for _____ 600 sets“Butterfly”Brand Sewing Machines.
A. other        B. the other        C. others          D. another
160. Chinese machine tools are recently selling fast in the Third World countries
of _____ the endusers are speaking highly.
A. that          B. which          C. them           D. whom

161.Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to _____ packing.
A.inferior                B.superior         C.faulty             D.mistake
162.We trust you will do your best to have this matter _____ right away.
A.settle                      B.to settle           C.settling                 D.settled
163.By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business.
A.increase                  B.promote           C.expand                D.extend
164.We _____ you for the special offer you send us.

A.thank                       B.appreciate          C.be grateful         D. beindebted
165.We are looking forward to _____ your L/C for Order No 123.

A.receive                    B.receiveing           C.be received       D.be receiving
166.This is our best price, _____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.
A.on                          B.for                 C.by                       D.at
167.As it involves only a small _____, we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.
A.quality                 B.figure              C.quantity                 D.number
168.Our payment terms are _____, irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value.
A.confirmed             B.combined           C.committed           D.completed
169.Since the premium varies with the scope of _____ extra premium is for buyer’s account, should additional risks be covered?
A.assurance               B.insurance           C.business              D.enterprises
 170.Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit _____ you.
A.gets                        B.comes              C.arrives               D.reaches
171.We shall advise you by cable as soon as the goods _____.
A.will ship                 B.will be shipped        C.ship                    D.are shipped
172.According to the shipping _____ it will be impossible for us to ship the goods in October.
A.schedule                B.timetable            C.plan                    D.scheme
173.This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply _____ should reach us not later than the end of this month.
A.it                             B.they                 C.what           D.which
174.We cannot entertain your suggestion _____ it does not seem workable.
A.because                     B.for                C.so                    D.therefore
175._____ your information, we have received a crowd of enquiries from buyers in other directions.
A.On                           B.For             C.By                    D.At
176.We enclosed our Purchase Confirmation No. 4848 _____ duplicate.
A.in                            B.for               C.with              D.through

177.We cannot _____ present entertain any fresh orders for Younger Brand Men's Shirts.

A.of               B.at               C.to          D.for

178._____ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.

A.In case           B.In the case         C.In this case   D.In that case

179.Generally we cover insurance _____ definite instructions from our clients.

A.in absence of                         B.in the absence of

C.in no absence of                       D.in all absence of

180.We lodge a claim _____ you _____the short--weight.

A.with … with     B.for … for          C.with … for      D.for … with

181. _____ the delay on the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date of shipment from July 11th to August 12th.
A. Owing to              B. According to        C. In order to          D. So as to            
182. The buyer made a bid _____  $600 per ton for peanut meat.
A. in                  B. at            C. for                  D. with                
183. So far we_____ business relations with the firms in more than one hundred countries in the world.
A. are established                        B. have established    
C. had established                        D. shall establish           
184. _____ the goods under Contract No.1986 are ready for shipment, please rush your L/C with the least possible delay.
A. If                   B. Unless            C. Although            D. As            
185. Under separate cover, we have already sent you samples of _____ sizes of shoes.
A. varying            B. various           C. variable           D. variant             
186. We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools ____ request.
A. at                     B. as                 C. on                  D. in               
187. We wish to_____ that this is the best price we can quote, and therefore any counteroffer from you cannot be considered.
A. point at            B. point to            C. point of        D. point out

188. We find your price is rather on the high side. We wonder _____ you can do better in the near future.
A. if                    B. why                    C. what                 D. as            
189. All the cases are strongly packed ____compliance _____ your request.
A. for...with             B. in...with            C. for...in          D. in...for            
190. Please _____ that the letters of credit are established with the least possible delay.
A. see to it             B. see them              C. see it                 D. see                 
191. Can you offer us machine tools with the following _____?
A. information         B. messages          C. specifications      D. arrangements        
192. The analysis of the first shipment is not _____ certified by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau.
A. satisfy                B. satisfied              C. satisfaction         D. satisfactorily        
193. The market is not _____ active this year as it was last year.
A. that            B. this            C. so            D. such          

194. It is necessary for you to _____ our shipment instructions.
A. comply with          B. consist of              C. insist on            D. persist in                
195. Because there is no direct steamer from here to your port, we suggest that you accept_____ at Hong Kong.
A. transportation                          B. transshipment
C. transformation                          D. transmission        
196. Samples and quotations _____favorable prices will be immediately sent to you _____ receipt of your specific enquiry.

A. at…at             B. upon…upon      C. at…upon             D. upon…at                 
197. We are glad that in the past few years, we, by joint efforts, _____ both business and friendship.
A. have greatly promoted                     B. have greatly been promoted
C. had greatly promoted                       D. had greatly been promoted 

198. We regret _____ that your price for iron nails is out of line with the market here.
A. to say               B. saying            C. said                D. to be said                

199. _____ is hoped that you would do your utmost to effect punctual shipment.
A. This                 B. That            C. One                D. It           
200. The firm is well connected with the manufacturers of lathes and, _____, is able to supply various kinds of lathes.
A. however         B. though          C. thus              D. therewith                 

201. In the sentence “The goods will be forwarded to you by the end of this week”, “forwarded” means_____.

A. lent          B. opened         C. sent       D. packed

202. We are in       of your letter dated 22nd April.

A. position      B. favor           C. lack       D. receipt

203. We have the pleasure of       your letter of Oct. 6th.

A. acknowledging     B. confirming       C. acknowledge     D. confirm

204. Please rush your L/C; otherwise the shipment will       .

A. delay          B. be delayed           C. delayed       D. be delaying

205. The packing must be strong enough        rough handling.

A. withstand    B. withstanding        C. to withstand    D. to be withstood

206. If you ______ an large order, we will supply a discount of 5%.

A. place        B. give            C. get           D. have

207. Please insure the goods ____ F.P.A for US100,000.

A. against       B. with           C. for            D. at

208. Any additional coverage other ____ ICC shall be for the account of the buyer.

A. to           B. than           C. in             D. against

209. All the sacks have an interior water-proof ____ to protect goods.

A. line         B. floor           C. lining            D. stage

210. The ____ order is given on the condition that shipment must be made no later than May 8th.

A. enclosing     B. enclosure       C. enclose          D. enclosed

211. We can only hold open this very ______ offer for a few weeks.

A. advantageous  B. interest         C. opening         D. well

212. We shall appreciate _____ us FOB Sydney.

A. you quote     B. your quoting     C. you to quote     D. your quote

213. We are looking forward to your reply _____ return.

A. in           B. of              C. with            D. by

214. For the old customers who have not connected you for a long time, you should write a _____ to them.

A. reviver       B. follower-up letter  C. last letter        D. first letter

215. We are ____ exporters of all kinds of Chinese goods.

A. good-established                  B. good-establishing  

C. well-establishing                  D. well-established

216. In this case, the buyer       the right to cancel the contract.

A. could        B. have          C. make         D. reserves

217. We are       agents for a number of American publishers.

A. acting        B. acting as       C. acting in      D. acting of

218. Case No. 2 was found to be 3 packages       .

A. too short      B. shortage       C. shorten       D. short

219. As requested, we have covered insurance      2000 DVD players      10% above the invoice value      All Risks.

A. on, at, for     B. with, at, for     C. on, at, against  D. with, at, against

220.       your request, we make an offer as follows.

A. As          B. For            C. At           D. upon

221. As it involves only a small_____,we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter.
A. quantity      B. quality         C. number       D. figure

222. We are sorry to learn in your letter that 200pairs of leather shoes_____ under the above order are damaged when they reach you.
 A. offer          B. demand         C. supply         D. requirement

223. Please advise at what price your clients will place orders_____ us.
 A. of             B. for             C. by            D. with

224. We shall de our best to satisfy your _____.
 A. require          B. requiring        C. requirement    D. requirements

225. We take pleasure in _____ you a copy of our price-list.
 A. send             B. sending         C. sent          D. to send

226. It is only in view of our long friendly business relations that we _____ you this accommodation.
 A. extend            B. extant          C. increase       D. promote

227. Your L/C No.111 for 2000 issued by the Bank Ltd, Liverpool, has_____.
 A. be arriving         B. been arriving     C. arrived        D. thanked

228. Your full cooperation in this respect will be highly_____.
 A. appreciating         B. appreciated      C. thanking      D. thanked

229. We have for acknowledgment your letter dated 26th September         

connection_____ the above subject .

 A. for, with      B. for, to      C. in, with      D. in, to

230. We regret _____ unable to agree to the buyer's request as stated in the L/C stipulations for insurance to be covered up to the inland city.
 A. to be       B. being      C. to have been      D. been

231. We are pleased to_____ you that 6000 dozen shirts under Sales Confirmation No.C123,L/C No.5678have gone off on S.S."Dongfeng"
 A. ask        B. inform        C. speak        D. talk

232. Claims for_____ or incorrect material must be made within 30days after arrival of the goods.
 A. lack        B. scarcity        C. shortage      D. rarity

233. _____ you accept our offer, please cable us for our confirmation.
 A. until        B. unless          C. if           D. as

234. We feel_____ very regrettable that we cannot accept nay order for Tin Foil Steels at present.
 A. it           B. this          C. that          D. what

235. We hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorable and cable us acceptance_____ you earliest convenience.
 A. of           B. for           C. on           D. at

236. Last year we shipped walnuts to you_____ the extent of 500metric tons.
 A. by           B. within        C. in            D. to

237. We hope that you will accommodate us_____ and continue supplying is with Enamelware on the same basis.
 A. in respect      B. in the respect    C. in this respect   D. in all respects

238. We prefer to ship whatever is ready_____ waiting for the completion of the entire lot.
 A. in spite of      B. because of       C. replace of      D. instead of

239. You may sell the_____ merchandise at the prevailing market price less one percent.
 A. consign        B. consignor        C. consignee      D. consignment

240. We thank you_____ for you cooperation.
 A. in advance      B. in beforehand     C. in progress      D. in proceed

241. We look forward to    a trial order

A. receiving       B. receive from you  C. receipt         D. receipt your

242. We    some brochures    to illustrate the products we manufactured

A. enclose, to you   B. enclose, you     C. enclose       D. enclose, your

243. We are sorry that we have delivered the wrong goods to you, they could be handled _____ your disposal.

A. to        B. in         C. for      D. at

244. We would like to take this opportunity to _____business relations with you.

A. step into   B. establish    C. get     D.open

245. The shipment time is June or July at our    and the goods will be shipped in one    .

A. optionlot                     B. optionconsignment    

C. choice shipment                 D. decisioncargo

246. The first shipment of pens has turned out to a      .

A. satisfy         B. satisfied        C. satisfaction        D. satisfactory

247. I want to acquaint myself     the supply position of steel products.

A. of             B. with           C. for               D. about

248. As it only     a smal1 quantitywe hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter.

A. involves        B. involved      C. has involved    D. may have involved

249. In case the said goods are not available     stock, please keep us informed at all early date.

A. in          B. by         C. from       D. out of

250.Shirts are packed     carton and the cartons are strong enough      withstand the seawater risk.

A. infor     B. into        C. toin     D. toto

251. You can find     for black tea here.

A. a ready market               B. most popular

C. great popularity              D. selling fast

252. We are glad that We have      an agreement on this matter

A. come       B. got          C. reached         D. arrived

253. We cannot see any possibility of business     your price is too high

A. that        B. while         C. thought         D. since

254. we have made      that we would accept DP terms for your future orders.

A. clear       B. it clear        C. that clear        D. it is clear

255. we would make you the following offersubject to your reply     us not later than November 25.

A. reach       B. reaching       C. reaches         D. being reached

256. Please     to let us have your offer as soon as possible.

A. do best      B. do it best       C. make the best   D. make your best

257. we assure you of our full     in executing the contract.

A. cooperation     B. attention       C. intention      D. appreciation

258.       our SC No.301we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by Oct.10.

A. With reference to                 B. Refer to

C. Referring                       D. With refer to

259. After inspection of the shipmentwe found 5 cased     .

A. missing        B. 1osing         C. missed          D. lost

260.     your letter of March 5we are pleased to inform you that the LC has been received.

A. Replying to     B. Replying for     C. Replied to      D. Replied for

261. We can only ____ this very advantageous offer for a few weeks.

A. hold open       B. hold openly      C. hold opening   D. hold to open

262. We know that your products have enjoyed a very good reputation in this ______.

A. local           B. locality          C. locals         D. location

263. Since we have realized that we have made a mistake, we will write to our home office to ____ our claim immediately.

A. waive          B. accept            C. make        D. lodge

264. Since your error has caused a great loss to our company, we are reluctantly to lodge a claim ____you.

A. with           B. to                 C. for         D. of

265. We are ____ exporters of all kinds of Chinese goods.

A. good-established                      B. good-establishing  

C. well-establishing                      D. well-established

266. In the sentence “The goods will be delivered to you by the end of this week”, “delivered” means_____.

A. lent           B. opened         C. forwarded       D. packed

267. We could not accept your offer because your price is      line with the market price.

A. with          B. in               C. into           D. out of

268. We thank you for your letter _____ response to our Order No.134 for 200sets of bikes.

A. in            B. to             C. for           D. as

269. If you wish, we would like to take issue      the shipping company on your behalf.

A. on           B. with            C. for           D. to

270. The agents should be fully conversant      all the features of the products.

A. withstand     B. for              C. with         D. to

271. Thank you for your time and consideration      this matter.

A. to           B. in               C. on           D. at

272. If you like, you may draw on us at sight ______ the amount required.

A. on          B. with              C. of           D. for

273. We are looking for some organizations which conduct their business      a truly professional manner.

A. on          B. in                 C. with         D. against

274. All the sacks have an interior water-proof ____ to protect goods.

A. line         B. floor               C. lining        D. stage

275. The ____ order is given on the condition that shipment must be made no later than May 8th.

A. enclosing    B. enclosure            C. enclose       D. enclosed

276. ____ we would like to supply you with the products, we are unable to fill your order.

A. As much as   B. Much as             C. Very much    D. As

277. As we know, you are one of the ______ manufacturers in this area.

A. lead         Bgood               Cleading      Dmaining

278. We would make you the following offersubject to your reply _____us not later than November 25.

A. reach       B. reaching                  C. reaches          D. being reached

279. If you can make us a firm offer at a _____ price, we will place an order with your corporation.

A. competitive   B. comparative          C. subjective       D. objective

280. Such a growing demand can only result _____ increased price.

A. in         B. at           C. to          D. for   

281. In this case, the buyer ___   the right to cancel the contract.

A. could      B. have         C. make       D. reserves

282. We are       agents for a number of American publishers.

A. acting      B. acting as     C. acting in    D. acting of

283. Case No. 2 was found to be 3 packages       .

A. too short    B. shortage     C. shorten      D. short

284. As requested, we have covered insurance on 2000 DVD players at 10% above the invoice value ______All Risks.

A. on         B. with         C. against      D. at

285. At your request, we make an offer _____ follows.

A. with        B. at           C. as          D. in

286. Once you have had time to study the supplement, please let us know whether you want to take this matter       .

A. further      B. promote      C. go on       D. better

287. We hope you can decrease the price; otherwise we shall be compelled      to turn down your order.

A. irregularly   B. reluctantly    C. happily      D. badly

288. We feel it necessary to advise you to       the L/C immediately.

A. do         B. make         C. rectify       D. amend

289. The      between the products and samples is normal, so we could not accept the claim.

A. discrepancy  B. mistake       C. wrong       D. change

290. We must apologize      you      being unable to fill your present order.

A. to, on       B. to, as         C. to, about     D. to, for

291. The defect may be      a fault in a machine, and we are now checking all the machines

A. due to       B. turned out     C. as a result    D. for

292. Inform us about the steps which you are taking to make sure this problem does not       .

A. open        B. recur        C. happened         D. reach

293. We will pass your comments       packing on to the manufacturers concerned for their consideration.

A. in           B. with        C. of               D. on

294. Please take every possible      to ensure that our products reach the port of the destination on time.

A. precaution    B. discrepancy   C. caution          D. change

295. We must apologize      you      being unable to fill your present order.

A. to, on        B. to, as        C. to, about          D. to, for

296. Much as we would like to supply you with the products, we are unable to _____ your order.

A. extend        B. fill          C. make             D. expand

297. In case the said goods are not available from stock, please keep us _____at all early date

A. informing      Binform      Cinformed         Dknow

298. The goods seems to be in good order with the      of Case No.5

A. reach         B. exception           C. order             D. marks

299. We have to request you to       the delivery of the replacement for the missing cartons.

A. arrange for      B. arrange      C. get              D. do

300. This is the maximum      we can afford.

A. space          B. quality       C. quantity          D. concession












1.C    2.A    3.B    4.D    5.B

6.C    7.B    8.B    9.B    10.C

11.C   12.D   13.A   14.B   15.D

16.C   17.D   18.A   19.A   20B

21.B   22.A   23.C   24.B   25.C                                

26.D   27.B   28.C   29.B   30.C

31.B   32.A   33.C   34.B   35.A

36.B   37.C   38.B   39.A   40.B         

41.A   42.B   43.B   44.A   45.B                              

46.D   47.B   48.A   49.C   50.C

51.A   52.C   53.C   54.B   55.A

56.C   57.B   58.D   59.A   60.B  

61.C   62.A   63.B   64.A   65.C

66.C   67.D   68.D   69.D   70.C

71.D   72.B   73.B   74.A   75.B

76.C   77.B   78.D   79.B   80.C

81.D       82.C    83.D     84.B     85.A
86.A      87.C     88.A     89.B     90.C
91.C       92.D    93.C      94.B       95.A
96.A      97.C    98.A       99.B      100.C

101.A  102.B  103.D  104.C  105.B

106.D  107.D  108.A  109.D  110.C

111.D  112.C  113.D  114.A   115.B

116.A  117.D  118.B  119.A   120.C

121.A  122.C  123.C  124.A   125.B

126.B  127.D  128.D  129.D   130.B

131.D  132.C  133.B  134.C   135.D

136.D  137.B  138.C  139.A   140.D

141.C  142.C  143.D  144.A   145.B

146.B  147.B  148.A  149.D   150.A

151.D  152.D  153.C  154.A   155.A

156.C  157.D  158.B  159.D   160.B

161.C    162.D    163.B    164.A      165.B
166.D    167.C    168.A    169.B       170.D
171.D    172.A     173.D    174.A      175.B
176.A     177.B     178.A    179.B     180.C

181.A  182.B   183.B  184.D   185.B

186.A  187.D   188.C  189.D   190.A

191.C  192.D   193.C  194.A   195.B

196.C  197.A   198.B  199.D   200.C

201.C  202.D   203.A  204.B   205.C

206.A  207.A   208.B  209.C   210.D

211.A  212.B   213.D  214.A   215.D

216.D  217.B   218.D  219.C   220.C

221.A    222.C    223.D    224.D    225.B
226.A    227.B    228.A    229.C    230.B
231.B   232.C    233.C    234.A   235.D
236.D   237.C    238.D    239.D   240.A

241.A  242.A   243.D   244.B  245.A

246.C  247.B   248.A   249.C  250.B

251.A  252.C   253.D   254.B  255.B

256.D  257.B   258.A   259.C  260.A

261.A  262.B   263. A   264. A  265. D

266.C  267.D   268.A   269.B  270.C

271.B  272.A   273.B   274.C  275.D

276.B  277.C   278.B   279.A   280.A

281.D  282.B   283.D   284.C   285.C

286.A  287.B   288.D   289.A   290.D

291.A  292.B   293.D   294.A  295.D

296.B  297.C   298.B   299. A  300.D


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    >> 婓焱

    Revo Island

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